• Brookhaven Personal TrainerNeighbor

  • Brookhaven, GA

<i>Heather Whaley is a personal trainer, certified with the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).  She is a personal trainer and nutrition coach at Elite Edge Training Facility in Chamblee.  Heather practices and teaches fitness and nutrition as the cornerstone to overall health and wellness.  Her approach is to help people set attainable goals that will help them make successful and lasting lifestyle changes. She has performed several roles in the fitness industry: personal trainer, nutrition coach, group fitness director &amp; instructor, boot camp instructor, and has been recognized in </i>Atlanta Bride Magazine<i> for her customized bridal boot camps. She is also one of the very few certified ultrasound body fat specialists in the country. </i>

<i>For more information on how to maintain a healthy diet or if you are looking for a personal trainer in your area, contact Heather.Whaley&#64;gmail.com</i>

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